Our Services

At the Right Fit Marriage Academy, young and older couples have access to the best counselling and guidance your relationship deserves. Some of our services include:

  1. Get Yourself Ready For Marriage Program (GYRFM) – Enroll Here
  2. TRFMA Exploratory Session – Enroll here
  3. SYMBIS Pre-Marriage Preparation Program – Enroll here

Get Yourself Ready For Marriage Program (GYRFM).

GYRFM is a 12-week Group Coaching Program in which my colleagues and I work with participants to become knowledgeable and assertive individuals who can confidently
* Identify a partner who is a good fit for them.
* Intentionally build and nurture a healthy relationship with the partner they choose.

TRFMA Exploratory Session

Are you and your partner in a situation requiring unbiased perspectives and counsel?

This 60-minute paid session is with our head marriage educator and coach who has 36 years of personal marriage experience & 6 years professional marriage coaching experience. Generally, this session helps you to identify what the issues are and what possible action steps you can explore to resolve them.

SYMBIS Pre-Marriage Preparation Program

Our SYMBIS Pre-Marriage Preparation will give you a great start to your marriage.

Because marriage is one of the most complex relationships you will ever enter into, we’re utilizing the world’s most practical, comprehensive, 360 degree diagnostic tool ever created for those preparing for passionate, strong, lifelong love, the SYMBIS Assessment, created by Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott. Here are a few things you will discover about yourself and your significant other from the Assessment:

  • Your Marriage Mindset
  • Your Money Methods
  • Your Fight Types
  • Your Love Life
  • Your Personalities
  • Your Talk Styles
  • Your Conflict Resolution Skills
  • Your Spirituality
Do you want to find out more information before you decide which program to join? Then go to the Waiting Room at https://chat.whatsapp.com/E291avMnWYtAYp27cL8Tqf